October 18 is officially declared as World Food Day. And important day of rememberance by those who are blessed with an abundance of food for those throughout the world who have little. In many areas of the developing world people experience hunger on a daily basis. Droughts, lack of affordable seed or pastoral animals, or lack of tools means feeding families is a struggle. The young and the elderly are particularly at risk, as lack of nutrious food means they are at peril of succumbing to diseases and infections for their bodies cannot fight off these diseases.
We felt extremely lucky and honoured last summer during our trip to Wongonyi Village, Kenya that the people of the village were able to share their resources with us, even though we knew it was straining their supplies. The ladies of the village met daily to help Ronnie's mother, Getrude prepare our meals like Mandaazi, a tasty treat similar to a doughnut. At the same time, The Ronnie Fund was pleased to be able to donate Money Maker Irrigation Pumps (from the KickStart Company) that have enabled farmers to irrigate their lands more easily, thereby increasing vegetable production which has meant more food for their families and excess that can be sold to generate income.
On World Food Day, please remember those around the world for whom a hungry stomach is a daily occurrence and do you part by donating to a local food bank or soup kitchen or to an international organization that helps to ease the lives of those who are experiencing hunger by providing food aid or enabling tools that can help them to help themselves.
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