This Banana nursery is the start of a new banana plantation creating much needed employment for youth in Wongonyi village.
Recently, my daughter Martha gave me one of her Girl Guide magazines that had an article about Kenya in it. It was about Kristen Hope, a student at the College of the Rockies in B.C. who spent time in Kenya researching various small businesses operated by youth groups. Kristen produced this informative document while working as an International Youth Intern.
Kristen has produce a very knowledgable Manual for Kenyan Youth Groups on Starting Revenue Generating Projects. The manual lists the projects Kristen visited and profiles of their projects along with that group's advice for others starting a similar project. At the end of the manual Kristen provides a summary of the lessons learned, other project ideas and advice on starting a revenue generating project including registration information, websites on Kenya business and relevant laws as well as sources of capital. And finally Kriten offers some suggestions she gleaned from her visits on why some projects fail.
I found this document to be a wealth of information for those of us working in Kenya, especially with youth groups wanting to start businesses. The youth sector in Kenya is large and most of the youth have not had the benefit of secondary education and they lack skills necessary for beginning businesses, so a document like this gives them a helping hand as new groups can benefit from the experience of others, both successful and unsuccessful. She also includes contact addresses and phone numbers for the project co-ordinators.
I commend Kristen for her hard work in producing this manual entitled "How to Make Money, A Manual for Kenyan Youth Groups on Starting Revenue Generating Projects." Kristen has made her manual readily available by download at http://www.projectsmanual.shorturl.com/ or through a link at College of the Rockies. Sharing information is one of the greatest ways we can help others to be successful - thanks Kristen for sharing your work with all of us.
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