Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Celebrate Earth Week Every Day

Last week was Earth Week and all over the globe people were initiating or continuing projects to help save Mother Earth. Each day we are doing things that destroy the precious planet we inhabit. Cities expand at an alarming rate with farmers fields being destroyed to make way for megahomes to house the expaning urban population but no one seems to question how we are going to feed ourselves as that precious farmland can never be reclaimed. Industry spews out chemials into the air poisoning our environment and polluting the air we need to survive. But all is not doom and gloomed as all over the world sensitive people are realizing the terrible state of our world and are working away, not only on Earth Day or during Earth Week but every day of the year on projects that are helping to return health back to planet earth. Wangari Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Kenya started the Greenbelt Movement planting trees, returning forests back to her native country and prior to her death encouraged everyone to plant trees to achieve the Billion Tree Campaign, a billion trees to be planted worldwide. I recently read of a man in India who began 30 years ago to plant trees in a sandspit and now his forest covers 1,360 acres, a testament to the spirit of regeneration and rebirth for our world.

Jeremy and Peter plant four trees with Ikanga Scouts at Ikanga, Kenya

Earth Week is a reminder to all of us to look at the world we live in, to do our part to make a difference. It doesn't have to be something huge, something simple like planting just one tree every year can help the environment. Trees are an investment. But it can also be turning out your lights when you don't need them, washing your clothes in cold water instead of hot, turning off the tap when you are brushing you teeth, having a quick shower instead of taking a bath. It is the simple things that can really add up and make a difference. Look at what you are doing in your home and see how you an make a difference. Planet Earth is not an infinite body, someday if we don;t take care of what we have, our children and their children will not have a place to all home. So make a difference in our world not just during Earth Week but all year long.

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