Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Beauty of Wildlife

"Rain, rain go away
Come again another day."

This childhood refrain has been playing over and over again in my head as the rain has been falling and falling and falling. I look outside and see all the garden tasks yet to be completed but the wet weather has kept me indoors.

But on Sunday as I replanted some autumn crocus bulbs that the squirrels had dug up, I turned my head and there on my neighbour's lawn was a mama deer and two fawns. Quite a sight for we live in a residential area of downtown Bracebridge. Actually it became a traffic stopping sight as the young ones tried to navigate across the busy road. But finally they all safely crossed the road and high-tailed it down towards the river. We must remember that we humans have invaded these beautiful creatures native areas and forced them into areas they are unfamiliar with.

But getting back to the garden chores yet undone. I keep praying for a sunny day to dry out the gazebo so I can put it away, for the grapes to ripen so I can pick them and make grape jelly before the birds eat them all or they perish with a frost, and the opportunity to clean out all the containers and store them away for another season. The prognosis for the Thanksgiving weekend isn't all that good and I even heard mention of the "S" word - snow!! Please not yet, not until the gardens are put to bed. The sky has been leaden, the pewter shades of winter in the wings and rest to come.

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