It is amazing how simple things like life skills and craft skills can produce hope for those who previously had none. Bega Kwa Bega, a fair trade organization located in the Korogocho District of Mathare Slums in Nairobi offers much to those in need.
Employing between 40 and 90 men and women, the most important feature of their program are the life changes they offer former prositutes, drug users and alcohols who have found a new meaning in life and a way to support themselves and their families. Along with life skills, they learn essential business skills which provide them with dignity. Although the manager Ignatius did point out that a few of the people do relapse into their previous lifestyles, most people welcome the opportunity to create a better life for themselves.
At Bega Kwa Bega, a happy atmosphere ensues where women are gainfully employed in the sewing area making shoulder bags, dolls and stuffed animals. In the beading section, a group of four women chatted in Swahili as they prepared an order of 1,000 beaded cross necklaces for an order for Italy. Upstairs, the men were busy cutting leather and stitching sandels and shoes that comprise part of the standard school uniform for Kenyan children. They even use recycled tires for the soles of the sandels. The other necklace beading area and tie-dye sections were closed the day we visited.
Bega Kwa Bega belongs to the fair trade organization selling their products worldwide. in Japan, Italy, Spain, Canada, the U.S. and Germany. Providing much needed employment is truly the way for people, especially those living in the slums to enjoy a better quality of living. Please support fair trade organizations when making your shopping purchases.